Project Domain / Category

Mobile Application

Abstract / Introduction

This app allows a user to easily find a suitable hotel room for stay and can be called as Uber for hotels. Hotels can make their rooms available for people to stay. Similarly, if someone visits a city then he/she can use the app to see the available hotel rooms (and their features) within 5 KM diameter from its current location. The user can reserve a hotel room through the app. The hotel management can check in the user who has reserved a room and later check him/her out. The option of advanced reservation is not available in the app and the user must check in the hotel room on the same date he/she has reserved it. Finally, a user will be asked to rate the hotel and the hotel room and similarly hotel management will rate the user.

Functional Requirements

1. Hotel management can register its hotel through the app.

2. Hotel management can add the rooms available for guests to stay for a registered hotel. For each room, the hotel management needs to enter the following features:

a. Room number
b. Number of beds in the room
c. Internet availability
d. Room rent
e. Picture of the room

3. A registered hotel can set the status of its added rooms as “available for stay” when the room is free.

4. A person can register itself as a user within the app.

5. A registered user can view all the available rooms at registered hotels within 5 KM of its current location.

6. A registered user can reserve a room with the status “available for stay”.

7. Upon reservation, the status of the reserved room will be changed from “available for stay” to “reserved”.

8. The hotel management will check the user (who has reserved the room) in when he/she arrives at the hotel for stay and the status of the room will be changed to “checked-in”.

9. When the user finishes his/her stay at a room where he/she has checked-in, hotel management will check him/her out and the status of the room will become “checked-out”.

10.The hotel management can make the status of a “checked-out” room as “available for stay”.

11.A user can rate the hotel and hotel room within the check-out date.

12.Hotel management can rate the user who stayed in the room within the check-out date.

Note: The option of advanced reservation is not available in the app and the user must check in the hotel room on the same date he/she has reserved it.


Android Studio