Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction

The aim of this project is to develop a website named as “Online Software Repository” that will contain different types of computer application software. The available software will be either licensed or free. All software will be available with their categories according to their specific genre like (Multimedia software, Microsoft Office, Database Software etc.). For licensed software, the user will must register him/herself on the website. There will an online instant chat box on the website for the 24/7 guidance of customer.

Functional Requirements

• Sign up page for new users.
• Sign in page for downloading the facility of software and personal help.
• Only registered users can download software.
• An instant chat box will be available at home page for 24/7 help.
• Admin will maintain proper record of available software and customers in database.
• Admin will add the categories of the software.
• Admin will manage all software (add or remove).
• Registered users (customers) can purchase licensed software by using payment methods (Paypal, Credit card, Debit card).
• The website will allow the visitors to search the software by different filters.


1. XAMPP — Web Application Server
2. Operating System: Window7and above
3. HTML, CSS, Bootstrap (Front-end)
4. MYSQL(Backend)
5. PHP, Laravel, (Server-side programming),