Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction

Online Movie tickets booking has widely spread across in Pakistan for the past few years. With the revival of cinema, people all around the Pakistan had started using the facility for online tickets purchasing. You are required to develop a web-based intelligent system for movie tickets booking, which allows the user to purchase (his/her) desired movie ticket online. Your system must have a rich set of GUI Interfaces which allows the user the ease to select the ticket from the list of movies


> User should first register him/herself into the system. The admin should approve the user request. After user request is approved, he/she should be able to Login to the system.

> The system should provide different categories of movies (Action, Horror, Comedy, Sci- fi etc.) to the user from which he/she can select the desired category of his/her choice. You can also customize the categories of the movies of your choice.

> User should first select the time of the movie and after selecting the time, User can select the seats of different categories from Gold, Silver and Platinum, where each category of seats should have different price, e.g. For Silver Category PKR 450, For Gold Category PKR 750 and For Platinum
Category 1000 PKR.

> After selecting the seat(s), the user must provide his/her card details for payment purposes. Right after the payment user must be notified via email and message the details of ticket.

> System must have the functionality to remind the user about his/her movie timing right before two hours from the start of the movie.

> The system should recommend new movies to the users based on the categories of the movies he/she has watched e.g. a minimum of 5 movies at least.

Note: You can customize or add more features into the system to make it more refined.


Language: Python
IDE: Pycharm or Microsoft visual Studio or any other Modern IDE
Framework: Django or Flask