Project Domain / Category

Web Application


This is an online portal in which users are registered and enter their and family medical history to track their health issues and medications in different durations. 

Functional Requirements

Users related
- Admin is the person that is registered by default and manage all other users
- A member is registered as family head
- Family information is entered later after creation of user account

- Family includes;
> Parents
> Wife (There’s a check that a person is not allowed to enter more than 4 wives)
> Children (Boys and Girls)

- There’s a facility for a user to manage dependents
- If a dependent is deleted, then previous related data should remain in system
- Attributes related to user and dependents are mandatory to be stored e.g. age, relation and disability etc.

Working Information/flow
- Family head would enter medical condition that any of the dependent would face. Condition / Problem should be entered that is diagnosed by Medical Specialist.

- Also required to enter name of Doctor that is visited
- Medical Treatment / Prescription is duly entered. Details are;
> Medicine Name and its type or category (e.g. Pain killer / anti-biotic / antiallergic etc.)
> Its dosage (e.g. Morning / Noon / Evening)
> Potency
> Duration of in taking medicine

- If there’s a need to visit in hospital’s emergency then its details will also be entered along with attending doctor(s), diagnoses and their suggested treatment
- If user or any of the dependent is admitted in hospital, then same details are
required to be entered as per above point
- Medical treatments / procedures are also required to be entered

Required Reports
1- Certain type / category of medicine used by certain person for certain time of
 > There are three search criterions for this report that are;
• Medicine Type
• Person / User / Dependent
• Period
2- Medical Procedures to certain person
3- Most visited Doctors for certain medical condition
4- Mostly doctor / hospital / emergency visited by dependent along with details of visits


HTML, PHP, MySQL, Xampp / wamp server, PHP Report Maker / PHP Reports / Any
other supportive tool for Report generation