Project Domain/Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction

It is very time consuming for the lower staff to take orders for lunch or tea from each employee individually and manually. There is a chance of writing errors. To overcome this problem, we will develop a website for employee order management system which will help lower staff in taking orders and will also save their time.

Functional Requirements

1. The system should have a user registration process in order to get login into the system. During registration process employee will provide basic information like employee id, name, designation and department etc.
2. The system should have 3 options morning tea, Lunch and afternoon tea.
3. There should be some basic sub options regarding tea and lunch for example list of different fruits, bakery items and list of different types of lunch etc. These sub options should be available in all the 3 options i.e. morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.
4. Employee should be able to select multiple items in single order.
5. Employee should be able to enter total amount/collected amount, quantity and remaining amount against order.
6. There should be “?” symbol, in case if the price of the items is not known in advance.
7. If the price of the item is present in the system, then the reaming amount should be calculated by the system.
8. System should be able to automatically calculate total collections from all employees.
9. Employee will not be able to update or enter any order after due time.
10.Admin will be able to insert, update or delete new items and their price in the list.
11.Only admin will be able to print employee wise order report.
12.Employee should be able to view his order reports only (daily, weekly and monthly basis).
13.Employees should be able to cancel order before due time. Due time for morning tea should be 10 AM, for lunch 1:00 PM and for afternoon tea 3:00 PM.
14.Admin should be able to adjust the timings of morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.

General Reports

1. Employee order report (Daily, weekly and monthly wise).
2. Report of all employee.
3. Report of all items.

Tools & Technologies

Preferred tool and technology JAVA and MySQL