Project Domain/Category

Web Application


Today’s healthcare organizations need user-friendly information tools that cut through the chaos and deliver solid analysis and reporting capabilities specifically designed for patients, doctors and other staff to meet their needs.
With these needs in mind, we need a more longitudinal collection of the electronic health information of individual patients or populations.

Further Manual maintaining different types of patient data in today’s busy world is a very tiresome job. To reduce the load of maintaining bulk of data and to provide facility to record the relevant information of patient, we will create a web base application. The aim of this application will be to automate the patient management at hospital and to provide paper less environment.

Functional Requirements

The system should have the following features:

The system should have a user registration process in order to get login into the system. Login will be of four Types. Admin, Reception person, doctor and supporting staff(nurse).

Reception person (Patient Information)
Since the patient enters the hospital the workflow starts as the reception
Reception person creates new record for patient
Enter the personal information of patient
Generate Patient ID
Send the record to assigned department(doctor)

Medical Person (Nurse)
Enter Diagnostic information for each patient
Update the record by entering the physician comments
Enter required treatment information suggested by doctor
Sends lab tests when it is required
Create Discharge Summery

Admin Role
Admin can register its employee’s i.e. Doctors, nurses, admin staff etc
Admin should be able retrieve and view each patient (or staff) information
Admin should always be able supply real-time tracking information for all files (from
admission through discharge)

Doctor Role
Doctor should be able to view it personal information
Doctor should be able to view patient information assigned
Doctor should be able to view information of supporting working with (nurses)

List of all Doctors, administrative staff, supporting staff
List of all patient (Date wise)

Recommended tools and technology

Programming JAVA or c# only
Database –MySQL