Project Domain / Category

Web Application


This project is an Internet Auctions site that enables sellers offer one item at a time or multiple lots of the same item. In simple words, online auctions run much like local auctions, but behind the scene, there is ongoing data collection. Just like local auctions, there are sellers and bidders and winners and losers. Winners are expected to pay for what they bid on at the end of the auction. But that is where the similarities between online and local auctions end.

On User Interface a seller or buyer will be required to register before he/she can buy or sell item(s). Admin Interface login is required to track item’s user bid on or sell, keep up with the bids, determine the winning bids and build a database on seller and bidder feedback. Setting up an online email account separate from your main email account is recommended to help you track the progress of the auction and prevent spam from coming into your main account.

The bidding for each auction closes at the scheduled time. In the case of sales of multiple lots, the participants with the highest bids at the close of the auction are obligated to buy the items. If no one bids at or above the reserve price, the auction closes without a winner. At the close of a successful auction, the buyer and seller communicate, usually by email, to arrange for payment and delivery of the goods. For example, eBAY ( makes publicly available the data on all ongoing and recently closed auctions, and for each auction the data include the entire bid history (time stamp and bid amount) except for the highest bid, as well as the information about the seller, the auctioned item, and the auction format. 

When an auction ends, email messages are sent to the owner of the item and the winning bidder (if there is one) to indicate the result of the auction. This message typically includes the name of the item and the details of the owner/winner, depending on which email is sent.

Buyers may have several payment options depending on the auction platform, including credit card, debit card, personal check, cashier's check, money order and cash on delivery. However, you are required to implement cash on delivery option.

This website project will be developed using ASP.NET / PHP as the front end and SQL Server / MYSQL as a back end. The database will store all information about the users and various bids and items along with their respective categories.

Functional Requirements

1. The system shall provide convenient interface for User Registration, Categories and Items Search.
2. A guest user can only view items. For any kind of selling or buying he / she must register.
3. The system should be able to show auctioned items in their respective categories.
4. Admin should be able to view details of each seller and buyer. He / She should also be able to delete any item at any time.
5. The system shall be capable to provide an interface to the seller to contact to the winning bidder within 3 days.
6. The system shall provide Password Recovery facility through customer email id. 
7. The system should provide the interface to store the item and delivery address of the winning bidder of that specific item.
8. The search interface should be convenient to search any item / product; also, a user-friendly interface must be there for advertising.
9. Every bid shall be allocated a unique identifier (BID_ID).
10.The systems shall have both Admin and Customer views. i.e. Administrator View and User View.
11.The system should store and display images of each item also.
12.Customer shall be able to get notifications on his / her email id.


SQL Server,