Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction

KN Solution is an internet service provider company currently working in only Punjab. KN Solution offers different internet packages to students, home users and business communities. This project is about to implement an online system for KN Solutions to handle customer’s complaints and provide them best customer care facility.

Functional Requirements:


1. Admin:

a. Admin is required to Sign In first to access the whole system.
b. Admin can add, view, edit and delete employee details.
c. Admin can add, view, edit and delete customer details
d. Admin can view all complaints (date wise) of the company’s registered customers.
e. System will provide the facility to the admin to view the reports of solved complaints (date wise) by employees with the rating given by the customers.

2. Employee:

a. Employee will be required to Sign In using valid details given by the admin.
b. Employee can add (Telephonically received complaint), view, solve and close complaint. 

3. Customer:

a. Customer will receive an email about the complaint fixing by internet service provider. Customer 
can rate the given service among 1 to 5.


• PHP or .net
• SQL or MySQL