Project Domain / Category

Web Application


The main aim of this project is to develop a Responsive web-based system of record management of a colony. The website will keep the record of all the members of the colony, vehicles belonging to members of colony, incoming and outgoing vehicles as well as the visitors to and from the colony with respect to the time. In addition, the website will also have a module as property classified through which the visitors of the website will get the information of property on sale/ rent.

Functional Requirements

Main Modules

Main modules of proposed system are as follow:

1. Home

2. Search

• In search module, user can search Rent/Sale property by different filter such as Property Type, Price (PKR), Area (Unit in Marla) and Bedrooms etc.

3. Administrator Panel.

• Administrator will login to the system for performing tasks
• Admin can post adds for property on sale or on rent.
• Admin will generate Passes for Colony Members.
• Administrator will create security guard login
• Administrator can add, delete and update the bio data and vehicle information of colony members in database.
• Both security guard and administrator can view the member record, vehicles in and out record and daily visitors’ reports.

4. Security Guard Panel.

• Security guard will login to system to perform his/her tasks.
• Security Guard may add visitor record and create visitor card according to relevance information.
• Both security guard and administrator both view daily guest report.
• Security guard will add the vehicles in and out record.
• Both security guard and administrator can view the member record, vehicles in and out record, and daily visitors’ reports

5. Create Responsive Web Page. 

Tools & Technology

1. Php
2. Javascrirt/ Jquery
4. HTML5
5. Notepad ++
6. MySQL