Project Domain / Category

Web Application

Abstract / Introduction:

“Citizens Information Board of Pakistan” is a website to facilitate the citizens to search and get the authentic information about other citizens of Pakistan. It will provide on-hand information about anyone. The aim of this Application is to reduce the chances of frauds by eliminating the fake bio data of people. System will also reduce the manual effort and cost required for verification through Govt. law departments. So, it will benefit both public and the government.

This Web Application offers the following categories:
• People Search
• Criminal Record
• Court Record
• Phone Book
• Family Tree
• Public Record
• About Us
• Contact

Functional Requirements


Customer Module:

• View/Search: The user can view/search the categories without registration.
• User can search by CNIC, Name or Farther/Guardian Name.
• User can also give feedback about services provided.
• System can show any history of the citizens. E.g. Bio Data, marital status, criminal history and family tree, etc.

Admin Module:

• Add an Admin/ Login: The main administrator can add any other person as admin.
• Admin can add/remove categories or edit existing categories.
• Admin can view and manage records.
• Logout


Software Requirements:

• Operating System: Window7 and above

• HTML, CSS, Bootstrap (Front-end)

• Adobe Dreamweaver

• MYSQL(Backend)

• PHP (Server-side programming)

• XAMPP — Web Application Server