Project Domain / Category

Mobile Application


My Travels Expenses Manager App is a perfect and unique app for travel guys and tourists specially to manage their trip-related expenses. Some simple clicks may ease their brain a lot by My travel expense manager. Get free from all the annoying calculations while on the trip and save your valuable time. All your travel expenses will be organised by My Travel expense manager. It keeps track of all the expenses covered during your trip by its detailed statistics reporting.


This project requires students to create an android mobile app for Travel expenses management using android platform with web programming APIs as per the functional specification given in this document. Travel Expenses Manager app is supposed to be used or customized for any travel guys or tourists etc.

Functional Requirements:

The core functional requirements of mobile app to be developed are:
     1. Create multiple trips to manage expense.
     2. Add places to visit list.
     3. Add description/memories about a trip.
     4. Create a shortcut to easily access any trip detail.
     5. Split expense between people.
     6. Share by an option to add expense for selected people.
     7. Add deposit amount for any person.
     8. Share trip expense as an excel sheet. View stats for any trip according to a category.
     9. Add/edit/delete expense category.
     10.Edit/delete expense details.
     11. Sort expense details according to person/date/category/share by Search trip from a trip listing.


• Language : PHP/Java for Web APIs
• Operating System: : Android
• IDE: Android Studio/Eclipse/Microsoft Visual Studio with Xamarin