Project Domain / Category
Mobile Application (Android)Abstract/Introduction
In today’s busy life, time can be termed as one of most precious resource that should be managed and utilized very efficiently. One can always learn from his/her experience and be more productive by analyzing and rectifying his/her shortcomings. It is always better to look back and analyze how much time is spent in various activities for future planning. The proposed application will allow users to record / log their activities like reading, shopping, eating etc. (i.e. how much time is spent in performing these activities). The application will also allow users to set goals and reminders regarding any specific activity and inform users with the help of notifications and alarms where required.
Functional Requirements:
• User should be allowed to add / remove / modify different activities such as eating, exercising, shopping, studying etc.
• Application will allow user to start tracking / recording any activity by clicking on specific activity icon.
• After the start of tracking any activity, user should be allowed to Pause, Resume and Stop the activity tracking.
• In case user forgot to record his / her activity then application should allow to add missing activity manually.
• User should be allowed to modify / remove any activity record.
• Application will allow user to set reminder for any activity and notify him / her before start of the activity with the help of an alarm.
• Application will provide facility to set goals for any activity and inform user with the help of notification when a goal is met.
• Application will allow user to view his / her activity log on daily, weekly, monthly or on any custom range basis.
• Activity log will be provided to user in list and pie / bar chart format for better visibility.
• Application will provide import data and export data feature in case user wants to switch from one device to another.
• Application should provide password based secure access to user to track his/her activities.